Coming together as a community to inspire our students to be the shining light of our future through lifelong learning.


Sept 1 - No School (Labor Day)
Enjoy your long weekend!

Sept 2nd - First Day of School
Welcome back, students and teachers!

Sept 4th & 5th - Parent Teachers-Conferences. Early dismissal.
September 3rd and 5th are Meet The Teacher Week. Meet your child's teacher(s) after hours during our first week of school!.

September 15th thru 19th - Book Fair!
Talk to Ms. Lambowski in the library for more information.

September 17th - PTO Meeting
Our monthly PTO meeting will begin at 6:30pm. Snacks and drinks will be served.

September 24th - District Board Meeting
The general public is invited to join this meeting as we prepare for the upcoming autumn holidays.

October 1st - No School
Stay safe in this fall weather and remember to be in before curfew!

Congratulations to the TriMountain Goats on their first win of the season!